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Главная » 2010 » Март » 07
154 countries participated with the result that the only thing they could figure out what to do was to eliminate the use of oil and gasoline as soon as possible. The below letter I've got tonight from one of my best friends and collegues who resides and works currently with me in California: "Here is an article that makes me think of re-locating. It includes two copies of the Pentagon report. All these are a bit alarmist, but I think the magnitude of what could happen should certianly cause use to look for answers/data. Me, I'm studying US climate maps and looking up this guys references. http://www.spiritofmaat.c> omannounce/ann_dryice.htm Here is a site that links to the enclosed penatgon report http://www.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 480 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 07.03.2010