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переводы,творчество,Диана Уинн ДжонсRupert Venables continued Stan first,’ I said. ‘Me?’ said Stan. ‘Mother of pearl, why me?’ ‘Because you know about centaurs,’ I said. ‘Tell me if I’ve got this right. I’ve been told centaurs are incredibly loyal. If they’ve sworn friendship or made a contract with another person, then they won’t ever let that person down.’ ‘We-ell,’ said Stan. ‘Yes. Roughly.’ ‘So what happens if they have equal loyalty to a centaur and a human?’ ‘The centaur always comes first,’ Stan said. ‘Racist lot.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 370 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 24.07.2010

At the point where we stood, the encircling coral reef joined the shore, so that the magnificent breakers, which a recent stiff breeze hadCHAPTER TWENTY FIVE. THE SANDAL-WOOD PARTY--NATIVE CHILDREN'S GAMES SOMEWHAT SURPRISING-- DESPERATE AMUSEMENTS SUDDENLY AND FATALLY BROUGHT TO A CLOSE--AN OLD FRIEND RECOGNISED--NEWS--ROMATA'> S MAD CONDUCT. Next day the wood-cutting party went ashore again, and I accompanied them as before. During the dinner-hour I wandered into the woods alone, being disinclined for food that day. I had not rambled far when I found myself unexpectedly on the seashore, having crossed a narrow neck of land which separated the native village from a large bay. Here I found a party of the islanders busy with one of their war-canoes, which was almost ready for launching. I stood for a long time watching this party with great interest, and observed that they fastened the timbers and planks to each other very much in the same way in which I had seen Jack fasten those of our little boat.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 362 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 24.07.2010

Then he stays there, touching base with the people he has seen all day long, floating in a kind of multitasking heaven of communication. By EMILY NUSSBAUM Published: January 11, 2004 hen M. gets home from school, he immediately logs on to his computer. Then he stays there, touching base with the people he has seen all day long, floating in a kind of multitasking heaven of communication. First, he clicks on his Web log, or blog -- an online diary he keeps on a Web site called LiveJournal -- and checks for responses from his readers. Next he reads his friends' journals, contributing his distinctive brand of wry, supportive commentary to their observations. Then he returns to his own journal to compose his entries: sometimes confessional, more often dry private jokes or koanlike observations on life. Finally, he spends a long time -- sometimes hours -- exchanging instant messages, a form of communication far more common among teenagers than phone calls. In multiple dialogue boxes on his computer screen, he'll type real-time conversations with several friends at once; if he leaves the house to hang out in the real world, he'll come back and instant-message some more, and sometimes cut and paste transcripts of these conversations into his online journal.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 492 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 23.07.2010

Благодаря появлению плагинов от Dfx Digital Filter Suite ( Tiffen Company), Power Stroke ( Digital Film Tools), Light!наиболее удобная программа для сведения панорам на Mac - естественно Photoshop ( в наличии и Autopano Pro, PTGui, REALVIZ Stitcher и далее - http://www.versiontracker> .comphp/qs.php?mode=basic action=searc> h str=panorama srchArea=m acosx submit=Go ) с HDR - сложнее ( Bracketeer, Hydra, Photomatix Pro, CinePaint ) Apple уже дала профессиональному фотографу софт под названием Aperture - такой возможности сортировки, хранения, обработки и вывода нет ни у одной другой программы.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 364 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 23.07.2010

Alien_ Skin _-_Shooting_Star-Promo_Vi> nyl-2006-QMI 4_Strings-Jewel-Promo_CDR> -2006-TGX 8_Wonders_-_8th_Wonder__I> ncl_Deep_Dub-Vi nyl-2006-QMI Abel_Ramos-Electro_Fun-CD> S-(RS019)-2006-Z zZz Abel_Ramos-Electro_Fun__I> ncl_E-Craig_Rem ix-(RS019)-VLS-2006-PULSE Above_And_Beyond-Cant_Sle> ep__Incl_Maori_ Remix-Promo_CDR-2006-TSP Acid_Ogs-True_To_The_Name> -(FUNKD004)-Vin yl-2006-MPX Adaptor-Meteor_EP-(RHYTHM> ETIC04)-Vinyl-2 006-MPX Adrenaline_Dept_-_EP_1-(A> D009)-2006-NRG Africanism_Present_Bob_Si> nclar_Feat_the_ Hard_Boys_-_Hard-Promo_CD> M-2006-iDC Africano-Deewe-Vinyl-2006> -MNS Airaforce-No_One_Knows__T> opside-Vinyl-20 06-UTE Airwave-Trilogique__The_U> nmixed_Singles-C D-2006-TSP Akretis_-_Theres_A_Time__> Incl_Sean_Tyas_ and_Dave_Prodygee_Remix-(> PARA-007)-Vinyl-2 006-XDS Alessandro_Ruzzier_Aka_Lo> mo-Lomo_EP-(MA0 106)-Vinyl-2006-NVS Alex_M.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 488 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 22.07.2010

Поддерживает файлы PDF, DjVu и даже многостраничные TIFF . Поддерживает файлы PDF, DjVu и даже многостраничные TIFF . Размер прoгрaммы: 2 мб Лицензия : Freeware Подробнее… Бесплатная программа для чтения электронной документации.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 342 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 21.07.2010

would never be permitted by the Germans.We do not contemplate or encourage fighting by persons not in the armed forces, but we do not forbid it. The police, and as soon as possible the A.R.P. Services, are to be divided into combatant and non-combatant, armed and unarmed. The armed will co-operate actively in fighting with the Home Guard and Regulars in their neighbourhood, and will withdraw with them if necessary; the unarmed will actively assist in the “stay put” policy for civilians. Should they fall into an area Prime Minister to Sir Edward Bridges. 12.VIII.40. Prime Minister to Lord Privy Seal and Captain Margesson. 12.VIII.40. Prime Minister to Home Secretary. 12.VIII.40. 661 effectively occupied by the enemy, they may surrender and submit with the rest of the inhabitants, but must not in those circumstances give any aid to the enemy in maintaining order, or in any other way. They may assist the civil population as far as possible. I should be glad to know what stocks of coal are now held by the railways, and how they compare with those normally held. With the stoppage of our export trade to Europe there should be a great surplus just now, and no doubt you are taking advantage of this to fill up every available dump so that we shall have a welldistributed stock for the railways in case of any interruptions, or even in case of another very hard winter. Negotiations about price should not be allowed to hold up the process of restocking.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 395 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 20.07.2010

Тем не менее многие убеждены, что для достижения вершин такой техники необходимо по меньшей мере обладать сложными знаниями и опытом тибетских монахов. Добровольцы, получившие краткий курс медитации, в 10 раз лучше выполняли тесты на зрительное внимание, память, обработку информации и сосредоточенность Медитация улучшает умственные способности уже спустя несколько дней обучения, утверждают неврологи МОСКВА, 20 апреля. /АМИ-ТАСС/ Часто бывает, что взбодрить ум и "включить" голову помогают только несколько чашек кофе. Американские специалисты предлагают альтернативный способ быстро улучшить познавательные способности мозга - провести краткий сеанс медитации. Уже доказано, что медитация способствует значительным изменениям в участках мозга, связанных с концентрацией внимания. Тем не менее многие убеждены, что для достижения вершин такой техники необходимо по меньшей мере обладать сложными знаниями и опытом тибетских монахов. Однако эксперты Университета Северной Каролины и Wake Forest University утверждают, что добиться положительных эффектов медитации на мозг проще, чем считалось ранее. Психологи обнаружили, что участники, прошедшие начальную подготовку медитативных способностей, показали значительные улучшения в выполнении когнитивных тестов спустя всего четыре дня обучения только по 20 минут каждый день.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 346 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 20.07.2010

Tiesto - Club Life 101 ( 06 - 03 - 2009 ) Tiesto - Club Life 101 ( 06 - 03 - 2009 ) Исполнитель: Tiesto Радиошоу: Club Life Стиль: Trance Дата: 06-03-2009 Радио: Radio538 Качество: 192 kbps Размер: 155 MB
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 383 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 19.07.2010

Tiesto - Club Life 100 - Listeners choice Special (2009-02-27) Очередные альбомы из заказанных залиты на FTP! Найти их можно в папке music, а далее ищите по исполнителю в соответстующих папках! 5 Плюх (F.Y.P.M.) - (2008) Antipop Consortium - Antipop Consortium vs. Matthew Shipp (2003) Attrition - In The Realm Of The Hungry Ghosts (1986) August Burns Red - Lost Messengers The Outtakes (EP)(2009) Basic Element - The Truth (2008) Blaqk Audio - Cexcells (2007) Bodies of Water - A Certain Feeling (2008) Botch - We Are The Romans (1999) Caliban - The Awakening (2007) Caliban - The Undying Darkness (2006) Chris Connelly - Forgiveness Exile (2008) Cosmic Gate - Sign Of The Times (2009) Cradle Of Filth - Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder (2008) Cy Fyre Kanye West - We Major (2009) Derrick Morgan - Seven Letters (1969) DiZBAT - (2008) Dog Eat Dog - Walk with Me (2006) Domina Noctis - Nocturnalight (2005) Dominia - Judgement Of Tormented Souls (2008) Evans Blue - The Melody And The Energetic Nature Of Volume (2006) Exilia - My Own Army (2009) Fear Before The March of Flames - Art Damage (2004) Fear Factory - Concrete (2002) Fear Factory - Digimortal (2001) Frank The Baptist - The New Colossus (2007) Gronibard - We Are French Fukk You (2008) Gym Class Heroes - The Quilt (2008) Into the Moat - Design (2005) Invisibl Skratch Piklz - Shiggar Fraggar 2000 Invisibl Skratch Piklz - The Shiggar Fraggar Show!
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 361 | Добавил: notlearnin | Дата: 19.07.2010

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