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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 25 » Party Log [1]
Party Log [1]
(Laughing softly, he smiled at him and then mm cupcake #3. He'd have a sugar rush at this point.Log
Muses: Heechul,Donghae,Shindong,>Yesung,Kibum,Ryeowook,Siwon,Hyukjae,Sunny,Jessica,>Yoobin,G Dragon,Jaejoong,Yoochun,D>ambi.

Heechul: *Considering he'd sat back up until the time of the party playing around with his cellular phone, but considering it was close to the time that the super junior dorms would be filled with more people than usual, he made his way toward main room, clad in pajamas as promised. If no one else wore them, he'd be sad, but he could always say he was unique and different in that case.*
Kibum: Uh, as for where the hell he is, he's on his phone in his room, checking to see what time it is, and oh hay, time to go mingle with people, amirite. Urite.
Sunny: Jessica, knock on the door, my hands are full. :-( *is holding the two desserts she made in both hands, with a "wtf" look on her face*
Ryeowook: *is in the kitchen heating up the massive amounts of food that he had made earlier in the day, on his phone as well*
Jessica: Kay. *Shrugs, knocking on the door loudly.*
Siwon: (Personally, he was in the kitchen, apparently near to Wook, unwrapping a tray of fruit, leaning over to make sure that none of it had spoiled over night, as if it would. And he had his ear keen on the door for any knocks or the bell going off. He was in pajamas, which were baggy blue sweats and a t-shirt four sizes too big)
Kibum: -He nearly ran into Heechul when he came out of their room, but he dodged him and smirked as he heard the door knocked on.- Get that, princess?
Heechul: Oh yeah, thanks Shouldn't the "princess" be the one waited on? *He dodged his attack neatly attack being poor Kibum just wandering through, and came to the door, mustering forth his biggest smile as he swung it open, as if he had not just been sulking.* Hey! *He stepped aside so that they could come in*
Kibum: -He gave him one of his big stupid smiles, and patted him on the back.- Probably, but I don't do that. -And with that, he wandered off toward the kitchen, cause it smelled damn good, and he already knew that Wook was in there cooking.-
Jessica: *Blinks at Heechul's expression, simply walking inside before turning to Sunny.* Do you want any help?
Sunny: That would be awesome. *hands Jessica one of the desserts and walks to Heechul, giving him a one armed hug, making sure not to get some of her pie on his clothes* Hey oppa, nice to see you~
Jaejoong: ((Jaejoong was currently on the elevator, holding a big bowl of something while standing next to Yoochun, a beanie cap over his head, a baggy sweatshirt that was simply black zipped up to cover his pajama top, and green/blue/black plaid pants. Oh, and slippers, because that was stylish? He also had a messenger bag slung over his shoulder, and wide eyes with glasses on.) I wonder who's going to show up.
Jessica: *Takes the dessert before handing it off to Heechul with a faint grin.* Here you go.
Heechul: *Only offers a brighter smile in return to Jessica's look, and hugs Sunny, relieving her of the pie, gently.* Nice to see you too cute one. How are you? We'll put this in the kitchen yes?
Ryeowook: *pulls one of the three dishes he made out of the microwave and sets it on the counter, moving to put another one in as he idly listens to the commotion in the entryway, dressed in jeans and sweater because he forgot about the whole pajama thing*
Heechul: ..*Takes it* Thank you darling.
Yoochun: *Yoochun stood in a black hoodie and a baseball cap and a pair of loose jeans, looking over at Jaejoong as he leaned back against the wall* Most of SM I would say, right? *nods and looks at Jae's pants* ... Nice pants, hyung. Really.
Kibum: -He came up behind Ryeowook with his hands in his pockets, and kicked his shin lightly.- You should go change. -He noticed it pretty much right away, cause, well, kind of stuck out. Then he looked over at Siwon, and raised an eyebrow.- Fruit? Where are the cookies?
Jessica: *Nods, making heart hands at him before wandering after Sunny.* Welcome, princess.
Jaejoong: Mm, probably, unless people have bad schedules this week. (Shifting his shoulders, to move his bag across one so it was less uncomfortable, he looked back at him, with his eyebrows raised.) Pajamas, pajama party?
Ryeowook: *sticks out his tongue at Kibum, passing him another now warmed up dish* I'm unique, okay?
Sunny: Sorry, oppa. *takes the pie from Heechul since Jessica just put it there, and then looks at Jessica with a blank look before laughing loudly* You're do weird, birthday girl. Walk, walk!
Yoochun: Ah, shoot! I left it in the car. I'll get it later. *slaps his palm against his cheek, before shaking his head, sighing before he sniffled a bit*
Siwon: Yes, fruit, everyone likes fruit. (And he was saving the cookies for later, and the cupcake, and some other stuff that was not good for the body at all. Except, the fruit came with caramel dip, chocolate dip, and some honey dip as well. Picking up the tray, he left the kitchen, and was passing across the foyer area.) Hey girls~
Jessica: *Grins, shaking her head.* I do weird, what? *Glares playfully.* I am walking!
Jaejoong: You dork. (He laughed softly, and shook his head, looking up at the elevator light as it came to the right floor and Dinged! at him) Come on~
Heechul: Happy birthday from the royal family. *Sticks his tongue out and breezes by Jessica to the kitchen to set down the pie.*
Jessica: Thank you~ *Sticks her tongue out at his retreating back.*
Yoochun: I left everything in the car now that I think about it. Wow, sick people fail, hyung. *shakes his head and sighs as he shoves his hands in his pockets, walking out after the older man*
Kibum: Way to fail, Siwon. -Was what he said to him before he left, and then slipped up next to Ryeowok, smirking at him.- You forgot, didn't you?
Jaejoong: Do you want me to go get it for you, and you can take this in? (He felt for him since he had a cold and all, although he was hoping not to catch his fail. He had stopped outside the elevator, to turn around and look at him.)
Sunny: Hi Siwon oppa~ *waves at him and moves to the kitchen to set down the other dessert, humming happily before turning to Siwon again* How are you doing today?
Ryeowook: *nods with a wide grin before turning to heat the last of the dishes up* Of course I did. I was busy cooking and then I was distracted talking to you.
Yoochun: No, it's fine. I'll just grab it later. Thanks for the offer though. *smiles and pats Jaejoong's shoulder before looking around* We should hurry. They party might've started without us
Jessica: *Follows Sunny into the kitchen, waving dramatically at Siwon.* I have arrived~
Siwon: (He had crossed to about the middle back area of the big roomy .. room, where a long table was set up with stuff on it; chips, dip, bimbap, other snacks and stuff, to set the fruit down.) I'm doing good, how are you doing?
Siwon: You have! Your present comes later though.
Heechul: *At the kitchen, he sets down the food, and bows dramatically.* From the girls of SNSD *He directed Wook and Siwon's attention with equal drama to the girls and food*
Jessica: Aww, darn. And here I thought you'd have welcomed me with it.
Jaejoong: I don't want you too miserable to have fun though. (But he nodded, and moved off down the hall toward their dorm door. Except he had no hands to knock with.) I hope not. I'd hate to be too late.
Kibum: You're such a good umma, Wook hyung. -He couldn't help it, and patted him on the head, sure he'd get kicked or smacked or something for it later. Or maybe even right then.-
Yoochun: Don't worry about it. *laughs softly and shrugs, standing there to wait for Jaejoong to knock, then turns and notices his hands are full* Oh! Sorry.. *scratches his head and knocks on the door with his other hand*
Siwon: I suck like that. (Laughs) I wasn't sure when you girls would show up, but hold on a second. (Gesturing with one finger, he disappeared down the hall to his bedroom.)
Sunny: Jessica, no one cares that it's your birthday~ *jokes and nudges her, playing with her red plaid pajama pants and her black t-shirt to match with it*
Jaejoong: I won't than. And thanks. (He couldn't help but laugh, and try to puff some hair out of his face, but it kind of didn't work since his beanie had it held down over one eye.)
Jessica: *Opens her mouth to retort, but shuts it seeing as he left before she could; turns and pouts her lips at Sunny.* They do too~
Ryeowook: *smiles sweetly at him* Remember that for later. Now I have a reason to kick your ass. *pushes a dish in Kibum's hands and then picks up the other two leaving the kitchen so he can set them on table, nodding at everyone that's gathered* Hello everyone!
Kibum: ...Crap. -He took the dish like a good little bitch, and turned around, spotting all the girls pretty much at once. Choosing to not be a grouch, he smiled, and nodded to them as well.- Hey girls.
Jessica: *Waves, smiling.* Hello, all!
Heechul: Absolutely not. No one could forget. *To Jessica, before holding up a finger.* Ah crap, the door. I think I'm the greeter.. Excuse me. *Goes to the door and opens it!*
Yoochun: *looks over at Jaejoong for a moment before chuckling, turning back to the door after a moment, scratching his head again* Hm.. *knocks the door again, but sees Heechul open it* Yo!
Ryeowook: *looks at Jessica as he sets the dishes down, happy now that they're out and he doesn't have to deal with them anymore* Happy birthday by the way.
Jaejoong: (He kind of looked retarded at the moment because his eyes were fixated on the annoying piece of hair, so Heechul was greeted with him with his lower lip sticking out, trying to puff it more. But then he got wide eyed and smiled bit.) Hey!
Sunny: Hey Kibum oppa, Wookie oppa. *bows her head in greeting before shuffling out to the living room to look around at all the people*
Siwon: (He disappeared long enough to grab a bag that was pink and sparkly and had tissue paper that was glittery sticking out of it.) Jessica~! (He had no clue where she'd gone to while he was down there, so.)
Jessica: *Puffs out her cheeks and just watches Heechul walk away, but grins at Ryeowook.* Thank you, oppa. *Glances toward the doorway and brightens at the sight of Jaejoong and Yoochun, but turns to find the source of Siwon's voice.* Oppa~ Where art thou~?
Kibum: -His happy little ass put the dish down on the table by some other stuff, stole a mango slice, dipped it in chocolate, and shoved it into his mouth before he turned his attention on the girls again.- Oh yeah, happy birthday and stuff. I’d have gotten you something, but I forgot. -He did give her a huge smile though.-
Heechul: Hey hey, nice to see you~ *He stepped aside from the door, leaving both Jaejoong and Yoochun ample room to slip in.* Come in
Yoochun: *waves to Jessica a moment before turning his head to cough, nodding his thanks to Heechul before he slides on into the dorm, looking around*
Jaejoong: (He leant over when he passed by, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, glad he didn't have to stop to take his shoes off cause arms. Ow.) Hey~ are we last to show up? (Asked as he crossed over toward the table of food, setting down the bowl he was carrying.)
Siwon: Thou art right here~ (He popped out into view again, and held up the bag for her, glancing to Ryeo, Kibum, Sunny, and well everyone that was around Jessica.) Hey guys.
Jessica: *Shakes her head at Kibum.* How could you forget? I'm disappointed in you~ *Turns to Siwon and takes the bag from him, looking into it curiously, pulling at tissue paper.*
Kibum: Because I suck. -Laughing, he patted her on the back.- I'll get you something next time I'm out though, yeah? Can't be a total douche.
Sunny: Kibum oppa, how could you forget, I told you. *makes a puffed out face at him, before pulling Jessica closer, then pointing to Yoochun* Ah, oppa, you came!
Ryeowook: *sees everyone in their pajamas and decides to go change because he really does stick out like a sore thumb so waves to the new arrivals before walking to his room*
Heechul: Yes, you're about the last to arrive I think. *He touched his fingertips to his cheek a moment, nodding to Yoochun in return, before closing the door behind them.* Oh .. *He gestured to Jae.* It's Jessica's birthday so be prepared. *He pulled a tiara out from under a cushion, and passed by Jessica from behind, plopping it on her head.*
Yoochun: *looks over at Sunny and smiles, waving to her before he starts walking over to her* I came and that bear is not forgotten.. Just left in the car
Siwon: (Under the tissue paper was a box of handmade truffles, a little baggy of hard cute candies, and some cookies wrapped up in decorated plastic. Oh, and a cute little charm bracelet with her name on it in rainbow colors.) It doesn't look amazing, but wait until you taste them, then you'll get why it's as amazing as I said it would be. (He smirked at her, and crossed his arms over his chest.)
Jessica: *Laughs, shrugging.* I could care less, oppa, but I won't object~ *Grins and leans against Sunny, looking into the bag. What is it?; blinks raising a hand to poke at the tiara and then looks to Heechul.* Thank you, oppa!
Dambi: *Dambi was doing some last minute check ups mostly to the small cupcakes she'd bothered to bring and had a hard time carrying. Thanks to her low attention span she was probably prone to drop them if she didn't watch it. She wore a large trench coat mostly to hide her own PJ's along with a pair of flats. She'd managed to make it to the door biting the inside of her cheek thinking she might be a bit late and knocked on it gently *
Sunny: The car? Aish, this is not the car. *laughs and wiggles her free toes a little bit, then laughs at Heechul's gift to Jessica* Oh, you really are the princess tonight.
Jaejoong: (Taking the top off the bowl, he poked at the hot pot he'd made to make sure it wasn't cold, and was glad that it was still pretty hot. And tasty; he licked his finger after pulling it out. Then he turned around and smiled at everyone.) Long time no see~ (If only a few months) Happy birthday Jessica! (He was prepared too, and reached around to grab his bag, pull it forward, and pull out a little velvet box.)
Jessica: *Looks back into the bag and purses her lips, pulling the chocolates and bracelet out of the bag with a smile.* Thank you to you too, oppa! *Decides to give everyone hugs later, taking gifts and setting them down.*
Kibum: -At some point, he got lost and was just sort of staring at everyone with a smile, deciding to get more fruit. Irony.- Mmph, so Wook wasn't the only one who forgot. -Said to Yoochun, and his lack of pajamas.-
Heechul: No problem darling. *He made a v of his fingers and grinned.* Ah the door, excuse me. *To the door! He and the door were about to have this torrid love affair or something. He opened it and spotted Dambi. Smile* Welcome! You can come in... *She had cupcakes, this was definitely a good thing.*
Siwon: It's no problem. (He gave her a big hug back, and a cheek kiss.) I demand you try the cookies though.
Yoochun: Yeah, I left all my things in the car because I'm an idiot at the moment. *shakes his had and chuckles before leaning over to look at Jessica, smiling with a quick wave once again* Happy birthday *turns his attention to Kibum and laughs softly* It's all forgotten in the trunk of my car. I'll get it later
Jessica: *Laughs, hugging back.* I'll try them in a second. Let me finish opening presents first! *Grins and turns to smile back at Jaejoong, waving.* Hello hello~ *Takes the small box from him, opening it curiously, then blinks at Yoochun and grins.* Thanks, oppa. *Looks back at the box.*
Jaejoong: (A squeeze was given to her when he got a hug, and if she opened the box, she'd find a cute little Japanese good luck charm, to hang from either her phone, or her car, or wherever she wanted to. Now he sort of directed himself toward Heechul.)
Dambi: *smiles softly as the door is opened and looks around.* Thank you! *walks in* Where do you want me to put this? Leave it to dambi to bring boring cupcakes >>;
Ryeowook: *returns a few minutes later, dressed in a comfortable baggy hoodie and flannel pajama pants and wanders to a couch, sitting down and pulling his legs up on it so he can observe everyone quietly*
Jessica: *Forms an 'o' shape with her lips, lightly pulling the charm from the box.* It's gorgeous~ Thank you! *Sets it down with the chocolates and bracelet.*
Sunny: *gasps and nudges Jessica* Let me see it~
Kibum: -Considering he failed at life and didn't have anything to give Jessica, he slipped off too, except with a plate full of fruit, and some of the bulgogi, and maybe a few bimbap. And blopped down next to Wook.- That's better.
Jessica: *Laughs and picks it back up, holding it out to her.* Here you go~
Jaejoong: Ah, it's no problem! (He called over his shoulder, turning around to give her a little heart symbol like a dork. Then was eye to eye with Dambi, behind Heechul.) Ooo Cupcakes.
Yesung: *After many failed attempts at finding the keys to the dorm to try and get in he finally decides to knock* HELLO! I know you're missing me in there, I'm here you can finally start the party..
Ryeowook: *looks over at his plate and reaches out to steal a piece of fruit, popping it into his own mouth* You read my mind.
Sunny: ..... *points to the door because she hears Yesung* The fail king is here.
Heechul: *He politely shut the door behind her, taking the cupcakes from her and setting them down on the table with the rest of the food.* Here, and by the way might I say it's very nice to see you.. *Swipes like, three of her cupcakes because he was sure they'd be gone soon what with Super Junior's love of them.* Oh god the door is moaning my name again
Jessica: *Blinks, looking from Sunny to the door.* Great.
Siwon: That's so sweet, Sunny. (Laughing at what she said, he looked over toward Heechul, and sort of felt bad he got stuck with that job, but thems was the uh whatevers.)
Sunny: (5:45:58 PM): *hands Jessica back her bracelet and smiles* It's really beautiful, ahhhh~ I might steal it.
Jaejoong: (Maybe one or two cupcakes became his, looking a little too innocent as he ate one of them and kept the other up his sleeve.) Mmm
Yoochun: *goes to sit down on the couch, leaning back, crossing one leg over the other as he looks around at them all, hands settling on his lap*
Kibum: I knew you'd want some, anyway. -He was enjoying the mangos and strawberries, and some chocolate, and being a total fatty because he could.- Oooh, this is going to be interesting. -At Yesung showing up.-
Heechul: *With this he made his way to the door, opening it.* Come on in, where did your keys go? Did we change the locks to keep you out? *This was listed off to Yesung immediately.*
Siwon: When your birthday comes up again, maybe you'll get your own. (He smiled at Sunny)
Sunny: *looks up at Siwon and claps excitedly* It's coming up soon, you better be ready!
Jaejoong: (Mm, cupcake, and standing amidst everyone with his bag still on.)
Jessica: Laughs, shaking her head.* You can't steal it, but I'll let you borrow it until you get your own.
Siwon: (I'll be sure to be! (He ruffled up her hair.) If she steals it, she'll have to do your parts for a day.
Ryeowook: What are you a mind reader now? *raises an eyebrow at him, stealing another piece of fruit* If you are, get out of my head.
Dambi: *smiles* Thank you! *all the cupcakes are chocolate save for a special one with pink frosting and grabs another normal one.* Where's the birthday girl? I need to give her her cupcake before I can be tranquil u__u
Kibum: Yep, it's a new skill of mine to make up for my fail worthy skills in other departments. -Good thing he'd grabbed extra.- But I like it in there.
Jessica: That works. *Laughs.*
Sunny: *makes a face and fixes her hair, before pointing obnoxiously to Jessica* Dambi-ssi, she's here!!
Ryeowook: You've got a lot of fail to make up for you know. *grins at him before turning back to the room, watching everybody* I know I have interesting thoughts and all, but a man's mind is his wonderland. Or something.
Siwon: (He may or may not have slipped off for a second to grab a piece of watermelon, before slipping back into the fold) Hey Dambssi, glad you could make it.
Donghae: -He could hear the crowd gathering out in the living room, but hadn't wanted to go out too early in case someone got a silly idea like making him help set up. Finally he let himself out, a small pink bag with a crown stamped on it in his hand as he searched for the birthday girl among the crowd. Hopefully he would be able to ninja her. In the totally nonviolent sense. Although that would be kind of hilarious. ....and wrong.-
Yesung: Thank you Hyung, it took you long enough...I don't know where I put them and if you did change the locks it wouldn't be surprising!
Jessica: *Raises a brow.* I'm what? *Bounces impatiently.*
Dambi: *laughs* Yay! Someone's getting himself some Dambi points already :D! *walks over to Jessica with a smile* Here you go! *hands pink cupcake* The only special cupcake in the bunch. :'3
Kibum: A wonderland? What, are you alice now? -Overlooking the comment on his epic fail, since they all know he had it as much as a cat had cheeseburgers, he finished off a strawberry.- You'd be cute in a dress.
Yoochun: *gets up again and walks over to Jessica, standing somewhere near Dambi, smiling* Well, your present was the only thing I didn't forget
Heechul: We did change the locks. Go away. *Shuts the door on him, and then waits by it, giggling. He'd re open it of course, but he wanted to hear his reaction.*
Jessica: *Looks to Dambi, smiling brightly.* Thank you~ A special cupcake for a special girl~ *Laughs, taking the cupcake and wrapping her other arm around her in a friendly hug before letting go and looking at Yoochun.* Just the person I was wanting to see~ *Smiles.*
Jaejoong: (Giving a wave to Yesung as he continued to stand off to the side of Heechul with his.. eaten cupcake, and another one magically appearing.) Hey Yesung.
Donghae: -spots Jessica standing in a small crowd of people and creeps up (in a non creepy pedo way) up behind her after she hugs yoochun, placing one hand over her eyes and leaning in to sing happy birthday in her ear-
Ryeowook: *waves at Yesung as he walks in before dropping his hand and glaring at Kibum, nudging him roughly with his foot* Don't forget what happens if you end up in a skirt tonight. *smiles sweetly*
Yoochun: Me? Really? *laughs softly and pulls out a necklace, but then stops when he sees Donghae*
Sunny: ...... *looks over at Donghae and Jessica before covering her mouth to keep in the giggles, because it seems... very creepy in a way*
Kibum: -He shut his mouth right quick, but was grinning anyway, nudging him back with his leg.- Yeah, I remember. Pineapple? -Plate.-
Jessica: *Lets out a squeal of surprise, freezing before nodding and listening to Donghae sing, ducking under his arms once he was done and punching him in the arm.* Ass. You scared me.
Siwon: (Possibly slunk off again to find more food to plate up with because he was hungry after a day of getting everything ready. Which, if people looked around, he'd set up tables, and got punch out, and made sure everything was clean, and there were games sitting out in the living room, the decks had chairs and tables out with umbrellas over them, and some treats out there too. And the like.)
Ryeowook: So long as you do. *nods, taking the fruit and popping it into his mouth happily, motioning towards the table* You should be a good dongsaeng and bring me food. I'm feeling like a lazy ass today.
Yesung: ..................I'm not surprised by your attempts to keep me out hyung, just remember you still won the weirdest award. So I'm a winner, somehow.
Heechul: *Laughs, and opens the door again, waving behind him.* Proud of my weirdest award! So I take it as a victory~
Kibum: -Narrowing his eyes in thought, he hmm'ed to himself.- Only because you cooked all day. What do you want?
Yoochun: *just smiles at Jessica, deciding he'd wait until after to give his gift to her before turning to look at Dambi, smiling* Well, look who it is~
Dambi: *smiles at Jessica as she takes the cupcake and playfully elbows Yoochun in her usual teasing manner* Fancy running into you here. *laughs and hands him the other cupcake she held* Before they run out :'3
Donghae: -laughs, pouting after he's been punched and giving her his best 'you just killed and ate my puppy you monster' look before leaning in and giving her a tight hug- Happy birthday princess~ One year closer to wrinkles and memory loss. -grinning, he holds out the small bag containing this and a small box off candy on top of it-
Yesung: Of course you are! You're the normal one, and we're the odd ones. Now if you excuse me, I have to go eat as much food as possible.
Ryeowook: As if that's the only reason why. *grins then shrugs, waving a hand dismissively* Whatever, I'm not picky. Something good.
Jaejoong: (Still eating his cupcake, and being somewhat like his usual self, AKA standing around observing everyone with the gifts, and waiting for Heechul to not have to door duty.)
Yoochun: How thoughtful. *laughs softly and takes the cupcake, nodding as he looked down at it* Should I trust your cooking?
Jessica: *Glares softly before smiling and hugging back.* Don't remind me~ *Takes the bag from him, looking inside and making another ":o" face.* I love it! Thank you! More candy~ And the top is really cute. *Gives him another hug in thanks.*
Heechul: Sorry, but all the leftovers are mine. So you had better leave it to me. *That being said, he stole a few more cupcakes, and went to Jae.* Hello. I seem to remember you waiting for me. *He popped a cupcake in his mouth and made a shhh gesture.* Eat them quickly
Zhou Mi: *was slipping on his pajamas in his bedroom which would be a white t-shirt and some flannel pants. Had made some cookies for the party prior to the given time, so before settling in the room everyone was at, he grabbed the small platter from the kitchen and carried it with him* What did I miss? *places the platter where the other food was at*
Kibum: Uh huh, one of the reasons than. -He got up off of the couch, and wandered toward the food table to get into everything that was there. And there was a lot to get into, so he hit up the sweets, fruit, what Ryeowook had made, then landed at the hot pot. Shrugging, he got two plates fowl of stuff, with little cups on them for the hot pot, and was back to Ryeowook after not too long.-
Dambi: Dambi's always thoughtful. *pouts at Yoochun* You should know. *laughs* You can trust my cooking! I'm not trying to poison you! I promise ;D
Jaejoong: (Laughing softly, he smiled at him and then mm cupcake #3. He'd have a sugar rush at this point. Pulling it out of his mouth, he nodded his head.) They're good.
Donghae: -just laughs at the glare, reaching out to smooth out her frown with his thumb- Don't help the wrinkles! And you should wear it when we go get that ice cream. -nods-
Siwon: (With plenty of food in tow, he decided to go sit down on the couch next to Kibum and Ryeowook, dubbing it the eating zone.)
Jessica: *Raises a brow, letting him do as he please.* We're going to get ice cream?
Ryeowook: I think you just missed people getting here, ge. *says to Zhou Mi before tucking his legs under him, clapping a little when Kibum returns with the food* I think I like this arrangement. I'm going to make you my slave, Kibummie.
Yoochun: I don't know.. *laughs softly and holds up the cupcake, tapping his chin with his free to act like he's inspecting it* Though.. your ramen did come out fine
Donghae: -returns her arched brow with a wide eyed innocent look- The memory loss is already setting it!
Jessica: ... *Pauses before punching him again.* Shut up.
Heechul: I'm glad... I was going to suggest truth or dare, to them. But that would require that I participate, and that means I'll have to do something gross. Maybe If it comes up, I'll pick truth every time. But then I'll have to tell my secrets. *Now free of the door he was babbling.*
Kibum: -Sneering at him, he handed over his plate, and sat down with his own.- Only if I get something out of it, I don't do this shit for free, you know. -Okay maybe sometimes, and then he regarded Siwon.- Shouldn't you be mingling?
Donghae: -laughs, rubbing his arm like it actually hurt- And you're buying to pay back for all the abuse.
Siwon: (With a mouth full of bimbap, he raised his eyebrows.) I'm hungry, and we'll all mingle sooner or later.
Dambi: Really? *grins* I'm glad you liked it! *watches him tap at his chin and smiles sweetly* Yoochun, just try the cupcake. *laughs* I like to see people's reaction to my cooking. Come on, put a smile on this pretty face!
Jessica: *It should hurt. She boxes.* I refuse.
Ryeowook: I always return favors, Kibum. You should know that. *says in a sing song voice, taking a big bite of food as he watches the other two*
Zhou Mi: Ah, that's good. *smiles at Wook and then nods to him. Walks over to where Siwon was and places a hand on his shoulder* Siwonnie, I made the cookies that you wanted.
Donghae: -totally hurts, so he's pouting now- I refuse your refusal.
Jaejoong: Ahh, I wouldn't trust them with all of your secrets. (Finally, he took off his bag, and dropped it by the door, pulling his beanie off too. Which had his hair standing on end.)
Jessica: I refuse your refusal to my refusal. *Puts her hands on her hips.*
Heechul: *He reached up and slapped his hair back down.* :/ You looked like you stuck your finger in a light-socket. *He said helpfully*
Yoochun: You're smiling even without my doing anything. *laughs softly and takes a bite of the cupcake anyway, chewing thoughtfully* Hm.. Well... *taps his chins some again*
Kibum: Yeah, yeah, I know. -He laughed, and got comfortable, looking across at everyone while he ate, and ignoring Siwon.-
Donghae: -thinks of putting his hands on her hips too, but a black eye doesn't look good on stage, so just crosses them instead- I'm sorry, I must not speak the language of your kingdom. is that Siccaism for "What a wonderful idea oppa."
Jaejoong: Aish, that can't be good. (He didn't mind getting his hair fixed, and kind of smiled stupidly about it before unzipping his hoodie to shrug it off, which revealed that he was a total twerp and wearing a blue and pink Mickey and Minnie mouse shirt.)
Jessica: *Simply raises her eyebrows again, giving him a "You've got to be kidding me." look.* The day you have a good idea is the day I stop being so amazing.
Siwon: (Food, thy name is friend, and they friend is in mouth being eaten while giving himself a breather.)
Heechul: Hahaha you're kind of matching me. *Has his pretty infamous by now pjs on so figures that works out?*
Dambi: I'm a smiley person, but my smile can get bigger! *puts some hair behind her ear and laughs as he delays his verdict.* See? *sighs* Now you are just teasing me. *playfully slaps his shoulder* I never knew you were such a tease!
Donghae: -wonders if she's been hanging out with Siwon too much and picking up his brow habits- Then you have to spend a lot of time with me to watch out for that day. Wouldn't want you to miss it. -nods, giving her an impish grin-
Sunny: Donghae oppa, that day is today. *wraps an arm around Jessica's shoulder*
Yoochun: Hey! *laughs softly and licks over his lips, nodding as he gives his verdict* I like it. You should make me a personal batch
Jaejoong: I was hoping I would! (It does, except he hadn't even thought about it until just now. Looking off to the side, then the other, he hugged him from the side, and kissed his cheek.) Glad I could come.
Jessica: That day...will be epic. I might-- What? *Looks at Sunny.*
Donghae: -turns his most charming smile on Sunny- You always were the smart one.
Jessica: *Shakes her head.* Hopeless. Just, hopeless.
Sunny: Oh, oppa, you flatter me really. *puts her hand on her cheek and feigns a happy sigh*
Jessica: *Points at Donghae.* You are, anyway.
Kibum: -Food until otherwise has anything to do other than be a creeper on the couch.-
Donghae: -points at himself- Who needs hope when you're as cute as me?
Jessica: *Rolls her eyes.* You wish.
Sunny: .... *blinks, looking over at Kibum* When did we start eating food? *has clearly been out of it*
Dambi: *grins sweetly* Are you just saying it's good so I don't hate you? *sticks out her tongue* I joke, I joke. I'll make you a few, then! Maybe not as huge as these. *laughs* They almost look like muffins.
Siwon: (He looked down at his plate, and... was out of food. Then looked over at Kibum's, and Ryeowook's, half tempted to steal theirs. But instead, he got up and went back toward the room where everyone was.)
Donghae: My heart, you broke it. -looks anything but heartbroken, actually pretty damn cheerful considering he doesn't even have food in his hands- I'll expect you to pay for the repairs.
Kibum: Uh, when you stop gabbing and decide to get it? -He laughed, because the table of food was right there in the room where the door was so he was amused she had missed it.-
Heechul: I'm glad you could come too. It seems as if everyone's found something neat to do... *Pokes his stomach, and stretches, laughing a little under his breath due to spotting Hae with Jessica.*
Jessica: I refuse to do that too. *Shakes her head, trying not to laugh.*
Jaejoong: (Sucks his stomach in, and nods.) I'm boring, huh? (He said it with a fake, huge pout that was kind of like someone just killed a kitten.)
Sunny: *pushes his leg and makes a face, deciding to get up and finally get some food*
Donghae: -frowns, or his version of a frown which is basically smiling a little less- You're such a negative person.
Jessica: *Grins and tugs his lips into a smile.* Only to you. Smile~ That wretched look on your face doesn't suit you.
Kibum: -Somehow entirely missed her even being in the living room, let alone by the couch. Is doing good too.-
Zhou Mi: *was near where the food was, but then now was walking back to where everyone else was and takes a place next to Heechul if there was any room* Hyung, how are you? ^^
Donghae: -snaps at her fingers, might even nip them if she's not fast enough- It's always nice to know I'm special~
Siwon: (With a bunch of bulgogi and rice and stuff, he turned around, and caught Hae and Jessica, and smirked.) Cute~ (He said it on purpose as he passed by to go sit back down.)
Heechul: *Looks at Jae and his pout for a moment, deciding he was immune.* In that case, yes I am bored with you~ *He teased him, turning to Mi and grinning* I'm doing OK, now that I'm done getting the door, having any fun?
Jessica: *Glares again, pulling her hands away quickly, half tempted to punch him again.* Yeah, special ed.
Sunny: *walks back to her original spot next to Jessica with a big plate full of food, sitting down and giving a thumbs up to Donghae*
Jessica: *Glances at Sunny briefly before continuing to glare at Donghae.*
Donghae: -glances after Siwon, smirking- Who, Hyukjae? -and will promptly be stealing food off Sunny's plate- Or Jessica's glare?
Jaejoong: (When Heechul turned away from him, he pulled a face, and pfft'ed under his breath.) I thought so... well I'll get food then. (Which he went to go do, dodging Siwon on the way.)
Zhou Mi: I've just joined the chaos, but so far so good ^^ *pats his shoulder* Do you know what tomorrow is?
Sunny: Your hands out of my food! *tries to smacks at Donghae's hand*
Siwon: Speaking of Hyukjae, I wonder where he is. (He flicked Jae in the ear when he passed by with his free hand, then looked back at Donghae.- Jessica's glare.
Heechul: Hmmm no. *Not one to be one upped, he threw a cupcake at Jae's back and then turned back to Mi as if he wasn't the one who did it.* What's tomorrow? ^_^ *Innocence.*
Jessica: *Assists in the smacking of Donghae's hands.* No stealing her food. Get your own. *Grins at Siwon.* Good answer.
Donghae: -glances at Siwon- Isn't it? -and gives Sunny a wounded look. Deeply wounded, because she's doing something even mean Jessica hasn't done yet. Coming between him and food. Sunny had no heart. ....ok, and now Jessica didn't either.- No heart. The two of you have no heart.
Zhou Mi: ... *hadn't they have known them for a while? But due to all their schedules, this was something that wasn't that important* Your favorite seasoning's birthday :^(
Jaejoong: AISH (He turned around, and looked toward where the cupcake had come from, then tried to eye the spot it'd left behind on his shirt. He knew who did it, and stuck his tongue out at him, getting food.)
Heechul: *Had been pretending, did remember! But persists, looking clueless.* I should celebrate the seasonings in kimchi fried ric
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