Перевод с английского:MICHAEL CONNELLY CITY OF BONES Bilingua - Connelly - City of Bones made by Baryshev M.A. to all studing English. 1 The old lady had changed her mind about dying but by then it was too late. She had dug her fingers into the paint and plaster of the nearby wall until most of her fingernails had broken off. Then she had gone for the neck, scrabbling to push the bloodied fingertips up and under the cord. She broke four toes kicking at the walls. She had tried so hard, shown such a desperate will to live, that it made Harry Bosch wonder what had happened before. Where was that determination and will and why had it deserted her until after she had put the extension cord noose around her neck and kicked over the chair? Why had it hidden from her? МАЙКЛ КОННЕЛЛИ - ГОРОД КОСТЕЙ Перевод с английского: Д. Вознякевич Посвящается Джону Хьютону. За его помощь, дружбу и рассказы 1 Старая дама раздумала умирать, но было поздно. Она впивалась пальцами в краску и штукатурку ближайшей стены, пока не обломала почти все ногти. Пыталась просунуть кончики окровавленных пальцев под веревку. Сломала четыре пальца на ногах, колотя ими по стенам. Она изо всех сил пыталась спастись, проявляя отчаянную волю к жизни, и Гарри Босх задумался о том, что могло произойти раньше.